The system operates with both IoT (internet of things)
and automatization mechanisms simultaneously or one at a time,
SmartAir Patented Technology LEARN MORE
The system operates with both IoT (internet of things)
and automatization mechanisms simultaneously or one at a time,
SmartAir Patented Technology LEARN MORE
The system operates with both IoT (internet of things)
and automatization mechanisms simultaneously or one at a time,
SmartAir Patented Technology LEARN MORE
About us

SmartAir Innovation and Research

SmartAir Patented has been in business for many years rendering innovation and research services in various countries and building lasting professional relationships based on trust, outstanding performance, superior results and economically IoT techniques.

SmartAir Patented System is engineered for Air Assessment, Tracing, Heat Detection, Pollution Source Identification, Pollution Management and Air Treatment namely;

  • Information and Awareness using IoT SmartAir sensors for air quality and heat detection awareness.
  • Personal Exposure monitoring at real-time the air quality that a single individual is exposed to and affected on daily basis.
  • Research for environmental, health, and safety studies aimed at discovering new information about air pollution.
  • Pollution Source Identification and Characterization for establishing possible emission sources by monitoring near the suspected source and determining the types of contaminants.
  • Automatization for pollution management and controlling of gas emitting industries, air associated gadgets through the internet of things (IoT).
What we do

Our Services

We offer the followings IoT (Internet of Things) services

  • Sensing means, Control means, Data Transmission and Automatization of atmospheric information, spray means, Ionizer means, SmartAir nozzle, climate control and associated gadget.
  • Compliance with the Carbon Tax Act, Compliance with OHS Act and Compliance with Environmental Act.
  • IoT (Internet of Things) services for Smart City, Smart Industry, Smart Commercial, Smart Buildings and Smart transportation.
  • Air quality Reports for every minute, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and Weather Reports are obtainable at real-time on SmartAir cloud data centre.
  • Information and Awareness.
  • Personal Exposure Monitoring.
  • Source Identification and Characterization.
  • Research Purposes and Educational Purposes.
  • The system detects the presence and concentration of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
  • The system detects the presence and concentration of gaseous pollutants in the air.
  • Detecting the presence and concentration of solid particles, Temperature and humidity.
  • The geographical location of the gadget and the Geographical location of the ductwork system.
  • The geographical location of the pollution source and the type of contaminants.
  • Alerts notification on the air quality.
  • Remote storage means for storing output data.
  • Status of the dispensing means and Status of the Ionizer means, the UV source efficiency and UV source replacement.
  • The system provides a remotely controlled air purification.
  • Kills up to 99,9% microorganisms and pollutants.
  • Ionizer/Laser Sterilise and kill germs, bacteria and pathogens.
  • Dispense deodorising effects and Chemical solution group consist of germicidal components, viricidal components and fungicidal components.